Friday, July 31, 2009

Oh yeah, I have a blog

I started this blog with good intentions, then life caught up with me. Since writing my first post, so many things have happened in my life! I finally graduated college with a degree in graphic design, which wasn’t easy with two little ones running around. I have tried to draw and sew as much as I can, while working full time as an in house designer.
Some projects of mine I’ve been trying to keep busy with:

The Great Wizard Handbeard and my Marshwiggle

Oh yeah! I've been sewing too :)
A sweet leaf spinny skirt:

A little padded pouch:I will try to update more often, and maybe even get some people to read this thing! Hahaha :)

Friday, December 21, 2007

I heart Etsy!

I recently opened up a lil hippie shop on the amazing "all things handmade" site etsy! I am so excited about this new opportunity. After doing ok on ebay (but paying outrageous fees) etsy is a breath of fresh air! I hope to keep making my one of a kind patchwork creations when I must return to my classes next quarter. I am so confused! I absolutely love the arts and graphic design, but what if I could make a living selling patchy hippie clothes...which would I pick? That is a tough one!
So go check out my shop,! I love comments and helpful advice!!
Remember...Be kind, Jerry's watching!